Miss Stardust is a 25lb and 16" poodle AKC/CKC. She is a blue merle girl
Stardust loves EVERYONE and EVERY DOG she meets. She active and has great manners. She is a wonderful example of the breed.
Stardust lives with a Guardian Home very local to us where she gets lots of love from her family.
You can find Stardust sporting the Poodle OR the Doodle haircut depending on the season.
Stardust loves EVERYONE and EVERY DOG she meets. She active and has great manners. She is a wonderful example of the breed.
Stardust lives with a Guardian Home very local to us where she gets lots of love from her family.
You can find Stardust sporting the Poodle OR the Doodle haircut depending on the season.